08.11/29.11.2014 - Doppelgänger, Trampoline, Antwerp, BE, solo exhibition
12.12.2014/17.01.2015 - We will never surrender, The Bries Space, Antwerp, BE, group exhibition
12.12/27.12.2014 - Un voyage autour de ma chambre, Het Bos, Antwerp, BE, group exhibition
13.11/20.12.2014 - ATLAS, MOTinternational, Brussels, BE, group exhibition
25.10/26.10.2014 - Van de Sokkel, Park Hof de Bist, Ekeren, BE, group exhibition
19.10/16.11.2014 - Verf Na Van Eyck, Croxhapox, Ghent, BE, group exhibition
12.10/16.11.2014 - Virus, Netwerk, Aalst, BE, group exhibition
28.09.2014/04.01.2015 - De vierkantigste rechthoek (curated by Tom Barman), Kunsthal KAdE, Amersfoort, NL, group exhibition
18.09.2014/01.02.2015 - Europe, Europe (curated by H.O. Obrist, T. Boutoux and G. B. Kvaran), Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo, NO, group exhibition
18.09/05.10.2014 - Return to sender, WIELS, Brussels, group exhibition (with charity auction)
05.09/04.10.2014 - Nel Aerts, Carl Freedman Gallery, London, UK, solo exhibition
18.08/27.08.2014 - Heyokas, Stadslimiet, Antwerp, BE, group exhibition
05.07/16.08.2014 - Extra Curriculum, Komplot, Brussels, BE, group exhibition
23.05/23.06.2014 - Exhibition Copy & More (curated by MOREpublishers), Frans Masereel Centrum, Kasterlee, BE, group exhibition
02.05/28.06.2014 - Elevator Pitch, Base-Alpha Gallery, Antwerp, BE, group exhibition (opening 02.05, 6pm)
26.04/31.05.2014 - A Two-Course Meal, Specta, Copenhague, DK, duo exhibition with Kristian Devantier
09.05/12.05.2014 - Frieze Art Fair New York, Carl Freedman Gallery, New York, US, group exhibition
08.05/11.05.2014 - The Medium of Everyday, KASK, Zwarte Zaal, Ghent, BE, group exhibition
17.01/01.03.2014 - Season of the Which, Castillo/Corrales, Paris, FR, group exhibition
03.12/07.12.2014, The Exchange Miami (curated by Komplot), UNTITLED Art Fair Miami Beach, Miami, US, group exhibition
18.09/31.10.2014 - Trailers for the future, Yoko Uhoda Gallery, Liège, BE, group exhibition
18.08/27.08.2014 - Heyokas, Stadslimiet, Antwerp, BE, group exhibition
06.06/06.07.2014 - Obliteration Devices, IMT Gallery, London, UK, group exhibition
15.05/28.06.2014 - Strawberry Sausages, Nosbaum&Reding, Luxembourg, LU, group exhibition
08.04/03.05.2014 - Art at the End of the Social, Trampoline, Antwerp, BE, solo exhibition
24.04/27.04.2014 - Art Brussels (Nosbaum&Reding), Brussels, BE, group exhibition
2014 - Acid Rain, Island, Brussels, BE, group exhibition
2014 - Splash, Can and Cock, Komplot, Brussels, BE, group exhibition
12.12/27.12.2014 - Un voyage autour de ma chambre, Het Bos, Antwerp, BE, group exhibition
08.10/14.12.2014 - Half en half, Paardenstallen, Broelmuseum, Kortrijk, BE (with Jacques Charlier)
25.10.2014/19.04.2015 - DE ZEE - salut d'honneur Jan Hoet, Mu.ZEE, Ostend, BE, group exhibition
12.10.2014/12.01.2015 - Emoties, Gemeentemuseum Helmond, Helmond, NL, group exhibition
18.09/05.10.2014 - Return to sender, WIELS, Brussels, group exhibition (with charity auction)
13.09/19.10.2014 - A pair is not a collection, LLS 387, Antwerp, BE, group exhibition
07.09/23.11.2014 - Eindpresentatie stipendium Gunther-Peill-Stiftung 2012-2014, Leopold-Hoesch-Museum, Düren, DE, solo exhibition
18.08/27.08.2014 - Heyokas, Stadslimiet, Antwerp, BE, group exhibition
21.06/05.10.2014 - The Rockshow, Emile Van Dorenmuseum, Genk (Unie Hasselt-Genk), BE, group exhibition
05.07/16.08.2014 - Extra Curriculum, Komplot, Brussels, BE, group exhibition
12.06/28.06.2014 - CONTAINERS & ACOUSTICS, We're in it together, you're in it alone, Island, Brussels, BE, solo exhibition
08.05/14.06.2014 - Radikaal & Radikaler, Trampoline, Antwerp, BE, duo exhibition with Dennis Tyfus
06.2014/09.2014 - Credit to the Edit (curated by MOREpublishers), cneai, Chatou, FR, group exhibition
17.05/06.07.2014 - Concept Store, Nest, Den Haag, NL, group exhibition
21.04/28.09.2014 - Capita Selecta, Broelmuseum, Kortrijk, BE, group exhibition (opening 21.04, 3pm)
18.09/05.10.2014 - Return to sender, WIELS, Brussels, group exhibition (with charity auction)
05.09.2014/27.09.2014 - More of the same, Trampoline, Antwerp, BE, solo exhibition (opening 04.09.2014, 6-9pm)
18.08/27.08.2014 - Heyokas, Stadslimiet, Antwerp, BE, group exhibition
22.07.2014/ongoing - Summer break (Les Invisibles # 2), UZ, Ghent, BE, solo exhibition
18.08/27.08.2014 - Heyokas, Stadslimiet, Antwerp, BE, group exhibition
29.06/12.10.2014 - Biënnale van de schilderkunst, Roger Raveelmuseum, Machelen-Zulte, BE, group exhibition
05.2014 - Les assesseurs - Les Invisibles # 1, Tervuren, BE, solo exhibition
21.04/28.09.2014 - Capita Selecta, Broelmuseum, Kortrijk, BE, group exhibition (opening 21.04, 3pm)
12.04.2014 - nY # 21, Trampoline, Antwerp, BE, collage exhibition + magazine launch (lecture by C.C. Krijgelmans & M. de Ridder)
31.01/01.03.2014 - De Gouden Dageraad, Trampoline, Antwerp, BE, solo exhibition
31.01/15.03.2014 - Health, National Bank of Belgium, Brussels, BE, group exhibition
11.01/23.02.2014 - Close Contrast, Pictura, Dordrecht, NL, group exhibition
03.12.2014 - Gerard Herman, SMAK, Ghent, BE (music performance)
28.11.2014 - Toekomstmuziek deel 7 GHOSTRIDERS IN THE SKY, Het Bos, Antwerpen, BE
13.11.2014 - Gerard Herman, Stadslimiet, Antwerpen, BE
08.11.2014 - STADsnomaden, Theater Zuidpool, Antwerpen, BE
16.10.2014 - Heden: een enerverende avond over absurdisme (curated by Stichting VHDG), Kanselarij, Leeuwarden, NL (exhibition)
14.09.2014/16.11.2014 - Kalisj, Netwerk, Aalst, BE, solo exhibition (opening: 13.09.2014, 8pm)
18.08/27.08.2014 - Heyokas, Stadslimiet, Antwerp, BE, group exhibition (opening 18.08.2014, 8pm)
05.06/30.08.2014 - Photo de groupe, Rossi Contemporary, Brussels, BE, group exhibition
22.06.2014, 3pm - Concert for the finissage of Exhibition Copy & More (curated by MOREpublishers), Frans Masereel Centrum, Kasterlee, BE
08.05.2014 - YOUNGfriendsPLATFORM, Etcetera II', S.M.A.K., Ghent, BE
24.04/27.04.2014 - Art Brussels (booth of the National Lottery), Brussels, BE, solo exhibition curated by Louise Osieka & Laura Herman
27.02.2014 - Music & Sounds on radio Klara
28.11.2013/23.03.2014 - Arm en erg hard, M - Museum Leuven, Leuven, BE, solo exhibition
Jóhanna Kristbjörg Sigurðardóttir
06.09/12.10.2014 - The Daylight Show, Galerie Ton de Boer, Hilversum, NL, group exhibition
18.08/27.08.2014 - Heyokas, Stadslimiet, Antwerp, BE, group exhibition
21.06/14.09.2014 - Coming People 2014, SMAK, Ghent, BE, group exhibition
23.05/26.05.2014 - Open studios, HISK, Ghent, BE
11.04/11.05.2014 - (Neo) Constructiv-Emotionalism, Traffic#1, Central Station, Antwerp, BE, solo exhibition
18.12.2013/01.01.2014 - Wild Horses & Trojan Dreams, Maastricht, NL, group exhibition
05.09/19.10.2013 - (Neo) Constructiv-Emotionalism, galerie mariondecannière, Antwerp, BE, solo exhibition
09.10/01.11.2014 - Fencing a piece of time, Trampoline, Antwerp, BE, solo exhibition (opening 04.10.2014, 6pm)
18.08/27.08.2014 - Heyokas, Stadslimiet, Antwerp, BE, group exhibition
03.05/28.06.2014 - A specter from the land of If # 2, Stilll Gallery, Antwerp, BE, group exhibition
04.12/27.12.2014, M & A, trampoline, Antwerp, BE, solo exhibition
13.11/12.2014, The divided body, Predikherenkerk, Leuven, BE, group exhibition
18.09/05.10.2014 - Return to sender, WIELS, Brussels, group exhibition (with charity auction)
01.08/26.08.2014 - Auction MDD, NIGHTSHOP, Knokke, BE, group exhibition
18.08/27.08.2014 - Heyokas, Stadslimiet, Antwerp, BE, group exhibition